तपाईं यो पोष्ट साझा गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ!

आगमनखबर संवाददाता

Kathmandu: Minister for Home Affairs Balkrishna Khand has appreciated the undertakings and accomplishments of the Nepal Police and Armed Police Force (APF).

At a meeting of the ministerial-level Development Action Committee at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Minister Khand lauded that the role played by the Department of National ID and Civil Registration was historic one.

According to him, the Department, which issues the national identity card containing personal and biometric details of citizens with a unique number would end the era of using papers for distributing national identity cards.

During the meeting, the Minister asserted that it was the State’s responsibility to ensure healthcare services, meal and accommodation to the inmates. He said it was State’s responsibility to streamline the prison and prisoners management.

सम्बन्धित पोष्टहरू

एनआरएनए नेतृत्वको जिम्मेवारी महेशकुमार श्रेष्ठ

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