तपाईं यो पोष्ट साझा गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ!

Sangam thapa

Financial literacy is the education and understanding of various financial areas including budgeting, capital,scheduling and various financial disciplines.nowadays,it has becoming one of the most sensitive and hot issue because it is vitally important for all individual and organization.

basically individual are able to check passbook,comprehend personal income tax and manage his daily expense,on the other hand organization are able to make cashfolw statement,costsheet,balancesheet and various financial and accounting activities.in nepal there are many programmes held by goverment,nongoverment and private sector to promote financial literacy programme like NRB with student for student and NRB strategic policy 2012-2016 also emphasis the access of financial literacy among the victim of conflict,social minorities and other class.financially literacy financially aware and empower nation that also helps to the people how to save,spend and make a rational and economic decision.It is highly influenced by the motto offering able to make informed judgements to make effective decisions regarding the use and management of money.

“Financial literacy also involves the proficiency of financial principles and concepts such as financial planning, compound interest,managing debt,and time value of money.it also helps to understand the modern banking services like debit card,credit card,mobile banking,internet banking as well as various cash and non cash method of payment.

सम्बन्धित पोष्टहरू

एनआरएनए नेतृत्वको जिम्मेवारी महेशकुमार श्रेष्ठ

काठमाडौं । वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा जान नेपालीको नियती र बाध्यता दुवै हो। रोजगारी बन्दै गएको छ। २०४२ सालमा वैदेशिक रोजगारसम्बन्धी ऐनको व्यवस्था भएपछि बिदेसिनेको सङ्ख्या बढ्दै …

इजरायलबाट २५० जना नेपाली विद्यार्थीहरु आज नेपाल फर्किदै

काठमाडौ । इजरायलबाट २५० जना नेपाली विद्यार्थीहरु आज नेपाल आउदै छन। इजरायलस्थित तेलअभीभ विमानस्थलमा रहेका नेपाली विद्यार्थीहरू नेपाल आउनका लागि विमान चढिसकेका छन् । उनीहरुलाई …

यूक्रेन युद्ध: सरदर ‘हरेक सेकेन्ड’ मा एक नाबालक शरणार्थी बन्दै

एजेन्सी ।यूक्रेनमा प्रति सेकेन्ड झन्डै एक बच्चा युद्धको कारण शरणार्थी बन्न थालेको संयुक्त राष्ट्र मानवीय संघसंगठनहरूले बुधबार जानकारी गराएका छन् ।  रूसी आक्रमण सुरु भएदेखि …

रानीमहल र श्रीनगरमा पनि बतास : स्वार्थ नमिल्दा पछि हट्यो

बतासले रेस्टुरेन्टलगायतका संरचना बजारनजिक र डाँडाको खाली भागमा बनाउन माग गरेको थियो पाल्पा । तानसेनको श्रीनगरडाँडा र रानीमहल क्षेत्र सञ्चालन तथा व्यवस्थापनबाट बतास समूह पछि …